Saturday, May 23, 2009


Y'all know by now one of my guilty pleasures are soaps. The following is a little rant about some breaking news...

What is your problem, Chris?!?! You're on the highest rated daytime soap. You're cast as the son of one of the headlining characters, who is a fan favorite and veteran actor. And last but not least you're in a front-burning storyline. So you up and walkout???

Apparently a storyline driven action may be the reason for his walking out. Although there are also rumors (Chris) Engen is battling some "demons." Why is it that when a straight actor is given a gay storyline to play out, they have to battle some "demon" that conveniently enough prohibits them from fleshing out the role? 

Main Entry:
ac·tor            Listen to the pronunciation of actor
\ˈak-tər also -ˌtȯr\
15th century
1: one that acts : doer2 a: one who represents a character in a dramatic production b: a theatrical performer c: one who behaves as if acting a part3: one that takes part in any affair
— ac·tor·ish            Listen to the pronunciation of actorish \-tə-rish\ adjective
— ac·tor·ly            Listen to the pronunciation of actorly \-tər-lē\ adjective

1 comment:

Penny said...

I think you should write more of these...I find them deliciously entertaining.