Friday, July 30, 2010

Thank You, G'nite...

I am selfish, impulsive and insecure. I am reserved, reclusive and at times apathetic. I make mistakes and oftentimes can be hard to handle. Those of you who have experienced me at my worst, are truly deserving of my best. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wepa! Estoy en Florida!

Landed a little less than an hour ago. Larry is getting his homosexual hair did, while I get to drool over some of the hot barbers and customers at New York's Finest.

I sho' cantell u dur be sum hot portorricans up in dis joint! I sho' wood lurve to squeeze some quenepas and peel some platanos! Ok-rrr!

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's my iPhone.

Location:Stirling Rd,Davie,United States

Monday, July 26, 2010

Diz Bitch Rite Hur: A Letter To The Power Gay

Dear Power Gay,

Listen here bitch... And listen good... You need to check yo' self and your incessant emotional teeter toter. Have you been takin' pillz from Hope's medicine cabinet? If we sistuhz wuz livin' in da same projects, I would take yo' azz out and we would get our weave's and nails did. I'm being for real rite here. 

You know, I think you need some lifting of spirit and maybe some synthetic extensions and some french tips would do you a world of good. Cause you know what they say, If you don't look good, then you obviously look like shit! That's what I've been told so I'm just sayin'. 

I would offer up some praises from the book of the Lord for inspiration, but I ain't into that readin' shit. I get my knowledge and inspiration from watching ma stories and I think right now I am channeling Katherine Chancellor and your my Jill.

Anyways... Look... Whatever post food baby partem you's going through will pass like gas after an afternoon at the Taco Bells. Just beweave in yo'self,  cause hurney you gonna be stuck with yo'self for a long time. And you can blame yo' parents for that mmm'kay. 

As incomprehensible as my rant may have been, I hope it provided you with a few chuckles and perhaps some positive insight. Things will get better honey, of course that will happen in their own time. You may think you are just a passenger on the crazy train, but you'd be suprised how many times you can take over the controls and avoid certain stops.  The best approach to the burden of life - it's many splendored unwanted gifts of doubt, aggravation and disappointment - is to take a few steps back to review the situation. Be objectively as possible and be confident in your resolve.

Yes, the world is full of cookie cutters, glossy duplicates, and toxic plastics. These superficials beings are in the biggest self esteem black hole. They have chosen to conform to social expectations, in a desperate search for acceptance is as temporary as any social trend. Unfortunately, conformity usually results in a minimal lack of personal emotions, lack of true self awareness and offer very little intellectual stimulation and development.

You, on the other hand, are a pretty fucking talented, eloquent, intellectual. You're fucking cute to boot, and you're humble about it. These traits represent real beauty, quite a rarity these days.

If you are taking a break from podcasting, I must say you'll be doing right by you. It may just be what you need. I know you've previously expressed concern about your lack of putting your drawing skills to work. This may just be the right time.

Anyways, I could go on but the Xanax is kicking into high gear, and I don't want to be held responsible for any Xanax induced writings that may make their way to the final post.

Keep ya' head up and stop doubting yourself, fucker!


Link: The Power Gay

My Body Is Limp With Exhaustion

Managed to get a few hours of sleep late this morning after a quick trip to Pathmark, where picked up some breakfast snacks and generic sleep enhancing candy.  I'm so drained from my restlessness that I don't have the desire to do much of anything at this point.

Kinda feeling a little something like this...


There are no words. Just sit back and enjoy...

*UPDATE* Shocantelle Brown is played by none other than Laura Bell Bundy of Legally Blonde and Guiding Light fame. Fuck me! White gurl can throw fierce ghetto shade!

Link: I BeWeave Hair Salon

Who needs sleep?!

Have not slept well at all tonight, and I am not amused by this. I usually get up at 4:30a on Mondays, so that may help explain my current state. 

Pissed that I don't have a single delicious sleep enhancing treat to help ease my restlessness. I have not replenished my Trader Joe's wine stock recently, so there goes that alternative. 

All I can do is lay in bed and sit through an episode of All My Children. However, considering the downward spiral the show has taken, it will likely instigate aggravation than provide comfort. 

Goddamn it! I just want to fucking sleep! 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Veronika Decides To Die Trailer

Sydney Rutledge, err Kendal Hart, err Buffy Summers takes on a project so far from the realm of Sunnydale I am quite intrigued!
Wiki: Veronika Decides To Die

No more job-job... (Parte Dos)

Yeah, I am not feeling quite together this morning. Aimless would be the best way to describe my state of mind. The realization that I don't have to prepare for work tomorrow, has left me with very little sense of purpose. 

Having already tackled laundry and other miscellaneous housekeeping chores - which I would routinely handle in preparation for another work week at 34th Street - I am presently sprawled in bed wondering what I should do with myself.

Should I DO something? Should I just live in the present moment?

No more job-job...

First day of as a former Sephora employee and all is well - kindaI'm still in work mode and will likely be so for some time to come. I keep having to remind myself that I don't have to work on Sunday. I don't have to place a Supply Order. I don't have to read e-mails and plan out my work load. I don't have to sign off on Sales and Payroll on Monday - no more waking up at 4:30am! Getting on a plane on Wednesday will be a the first step in my Beauty Depot Detox!

And now for some shits and giggles... Sephora's banned training vidjeo

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ciao, Sephora!

The last hour of work felt like the final minutes of the last episode of The Golden Girls... 30+ hugs and kisses later, I have officially departed The Beauty Depot.

"Never say Goodbye! Say Ciao!" - Liberace

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

(1,300) Days of Beauty

Today marks my last day at The Beauty Depot aka The Beauty Authority. What a journey it has been.

Location:W 33rd St,New York,United States

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Look At My Face!

No it's not an statement on the Gulf oil spill. It is Boscia's Luminizing Black Mask aka The Black Mask. Al Jolson ain't got nuffin on me!


- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

And I thought SEGREGATION was OVAH!

This little throwback of '50s era Southern ig'nunce is located on 35th St, betwixt Bergenline and New York Avenue, in Union City. They specialize in stain and color removal with $1 Wash Wednesday!

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

Location:Union City,United States


Git yer handz off ya face BITCH!

LAWD in da mornin' I just fell off my bed, I can't get up and my LifeAlert button don't work! If I'd been her, I'd drop ma Vicki's, pull down his Hanes and slid down his pole faster than migrant day worker crossing the border!

Ay Dios Mio, Who Cares Where Vicente Is!?!?! Arturo is HERE!

I dunno what this pendejadeadputabitch's problem is. That is one speciMAN I would not resist! I mean of course I would put up a fight too just to have him throw me around like a ragdoll and ravage me! And how DARE she knock him out!!! Don't she know... You can't doodle with a wet noodle!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Twilight(s) I would ACTUALLY see...

Ya'll know how much I loathe the Twatlight Series, but here are a few versions I would actually sit through...

iconsistentOtherwiseSucks 4

So a few weeks back I updated my 3G to iOS4, thinking that while it would not offer all the features available to the 3Gs or 4, it would be a wise move. Yeah NO! This video demonstrates EVERYTHING that is wrong in running a iOS4 on a 3G. Sit back and enjoy... GET FUCKED APPLE!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What If: David Lynch directed the Golden Girls?

Why so serious?

10 Days To Go...

The past two weeks and the forthcoming week will be quite emotional. While I have informed my immediate management team that I will not be returning to work at the end of my vacation, I still have 58 individuals to drop a bomb on.

There are three people in particular I am considerably worrisome about disclosing my choice to move on. The First has worked with me since my promotion into the city. When I relocated to my current store, I requested he be promoted with me. The Second I have watched develop and grow into an amazing individual and is well on her way to be a great leader. The Third has made quite a Sisyphean effort, having been placed in a role not entirely suitable for him.

Part of me feels like I'm abandoning them, yet my moving on also opens a door of opportunity for them - getting them just one step closer to the next level in the retail business food chain. I have rehearsed, imagined and re-imagined what the conversations will be like, but nothing will come close to how things will actually unfold.

The Stafford BRINGS IT! (@ 0:49sec)

Before I delve into the scene... Nicholas Newman is Daytime's Ultimate D-Bag! Walking away from the woman you claim to love and are willing to fight for? WTF?!

This is an amazing scene, masterfully acted (no surprise there) by Michelle Stafford. Not only does she manage to take walk the viewer through four years of storyline in under five minutes. Her emotional delivery can draw in even the most freshmen viewer. This is an Emmy reel for sure.

Monday, July 12, 2010

WTF of the Day:

I am not quite sure that this poor creatura de Dios deserves to be compared to El "Tetas De Azucar" Loco Gibson pero the resemblance is uncanny! And yes I stoled it this picture from DListed. Click la picture to read the actually blog post. JA-SU!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Don't Fuck With The Mexican!

There were three faux trailers featured during the Grindhouse Double Feature I'd like to see developed into full length features... Thanksgiving, DON'T! and the third already has and coming soon... Check out MACHETE!


Here is a lesbian utilizing finger codes for VA-JAY-JAY!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

For that unexpected party in your pants

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

Location:Clinton St,Hoboken,United States

She Rook Rike Miss Swan!

Mira what I found on my way home last night. At first I thought the 3 dirrrttteee martinis I had wuz playin' games wit ma head. But I got the retratos to prove it was no martini haze! Beyond surreal!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I'm Just Sayin'

To apologize for my personality is equivalent to footbinding. Thanks... I'd rather walk bare.

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

Location:New York,United States

Friday, July 2, 2010


After 5 long years at Sephora I have realized it's time to leave the nest. Although I have secured employment elsewhere, it feels like I have been pushed into the deep end of the pool without warning. I am wary, anxious and excited at the prospect of a new career challenge. The next couple of weeks leading up to the start of my next venture will be quite interesting, to say the least.

- Posted using BlogPress from Fenmore's iPhone

Location:New York,United States

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Crush on Emma S.

I've had a thing for Emma Stone since House Bunny and Superbad. I fell even harder for her with Zombieland.. Can't wait for this next one!

Funker Vogt - A New Beginning

I can see the city lights
When I turn my head
A lake reflects the stars
But I won't come back

The moon shines bright tonight
I can see the coast
Lighted ships right at anchor
Waiting for the head

Deep inside I'm still a child
A tear drops down and you will frown
A new beginning, maybe an end
or is it something in between.

All the friends I ever had
I will never see again.
My old life fades away
Like a teardrop in the ocean.

Deep inside I'm still a child
A tear drops down and you will frown
A new beginning, maybe an end
or is it something in between.

Don't turn back follow the light
Go your way into a new day

I'm on the road again
Don't know where to go
Without a name I search my fate
Down there in the darkness.