Monday, July 26, 2010

Diz Bitch Rite Hur: A Letter To The Power Gay

Dear Power Gay,

Listen here bitch... And listen good... You need to check yo' self and your incessant emotional teeter toter. Have you been takin' pillz from Hope's medicine cabinet? If we sistuhz wuz livin' in da same projects, I would take yo' azz out and we would get our weave's and nails did. I'm being for real rite here. 

You know, I think you need some lifting of spirit and maybe some synthetic extensions and some french tips would do you a world of good. Cause you know what they say, If you don't look good, then you obviously look like shit! That's what I've been told so I'm just sayin'. 

I would offer up some praises from the book of the Lord for inspiration, but I ain't into that readin' shit. I get my knowledge and inspiration from watching ma stories and I think right now I am channeling Katherine Chancellor and your my Jill.

Anyways... Look... Whatever post food baby partem you's going through will pass like gas after an afternoon at the Taco Bells. Just beweave in yo'self,  cause hurney you gonna be stuck with yo'self for a long time. And you can blame yo' parents for that mmm'kay. 

As incomprehensible as my rant may have been, I hope it provided you with a few chuckles and perhaps some positive insight. Things will get better honey, of course that will happen in their own time. You may think you are just a passenger on the crazy train, but you'd be suprised how many times you can take over the controls and avoid certain stops.  The best approach to the burden of life - it's many splendored unwanted gifts of doubt, aggravation and disappointment - is to take a few steps back to review the situation. Be objectively as possible and be confident in your resolve.

Yes, the world is full of cookie cutters, glossy duplicates, and toxic plastics. These superficials beings are in the biggest self esteem black hole. They have chosen to conform to social expectations, in a desperate search for acceptance is as temporary as any social trend. Unfortunately, conformity usually results in a minimal lack of personal emotions, lack of true self awareness and offer very little intellectual stimulation and development.

You, on the other hand, are a pretty fucking talented, eloquent, intellectual. You're fucking cute to boot, and you're humble about it. These traits represent real beauty, quite a rarity these days.

If you are taking a break from podcasting, I must say you'll be doing right by you. It may just be what you need. I know you've previously expressed concern about your lack of putting your drawing skills to work. This may just be the right time.

Anyways, I could go on but the Xanax is kicking into high gear, and I don't want to be held responsible for any Xanax induced writings that may make their way to the final post.

Keep ya' head up and stop doubting yourself, fucker!


Link: The Power Gay

1 comment:

The Power Gay said...

Oh Katherine...

Thanks for this. It made me laugh and made me feel less of a freak... extensions, french tips and all.

It means a lot to me that you took the time out to write this to me even if you were on the Xanax. I could probably use some myself.

So whenever I'm feeling less than, I will pull this up and read it 100 times. And I will remember that no matter what people say... I am a FENMORE. And that's my birthright.

I deeply appreciate this.