Tuesday, July 15, 2008

11 hours to go...

July 16th is nearing... 

It has been quite an emotional day for me. I've distracted myself watching SATC, and of course, just about every episode I've watched has had to something to do with Aiden-Carrie or Mr. Big-Carrie.

As I packed my things this morning, wiping the tears and snot from my face, I realized how my life has somehow come full circle. In a few days, I'll be headed back home. Not home as in a house, but home as in what is familiar to me.

This the right thing to do. And I'm hopeful that when I break the news to that certain someone, he will understand why I'm doing it. I can't be here without him. This was our place. 

Perhaps in time, and with a little bit of faith, my new place, will be our place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude what happened???