Tuesday, November 4, 2008


the holidays are fast approaching, and in the world of retail that means i will have less of a personal life for the next 2 1/2 months. then again, i haven't had much of a personal life lately... although i have been slowly coming out of my shell once again.

i have definitely come some distance from where i was 3 months ago, emotionally and otherwise. don't get me wrong, i do still have my moments. his birthday is coming up so that's been swimming in my head recently. 

my focus overall though has shifted. i'm consumed with work - self-induced consumption. my mom's overcoming some medical hurdles and i've sort of dipped my fingers into that pie. although i haven't been as active at the gym recently, that's been a positive outlet. and it hasn't been a drain on the wallet-considering it's a new york city based gym. this blog thing has been a great way to get my creative juices flowing once again. i've been thinking about possibly starting a podcast, and i think once i get more comfortable with the blog thing i'll eventually explore that arena.

that's pretty much all i have to say for now... i'm not much for writing about myself and my happenings at length... would rather keep an air mystery about myself... besides writing out my thoughts and such is so draining.

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