Straight up... THIS FUCKING SUCKS ASS! Brian Fuckhead Frons is pulling a FOX and killing the best written, produced, and performed soap opera on the air, in an effort to save All My Chickenwings. FUCK THAT NOISE! Kill AMC and leave OLTL alone! AMC is no longer bankable!
The show is an abomination. The writing is worse than the shit Chuck Crap was writing for Melrose Place. Most of the key players are likely to not relocate to L.A. So what kind of fucking show do you expect to have? This is the kind of shit that makes me wanna bite my pillow!
Link: Insiders to TV Guide Canada: "One Life to Live Will Be Cancelled Next Year"
Link: Insiders to TV Guide Canada: "One Life to Live Will Be Cancelled Next Year"
1 comment:
Hysterical...not that they're cancelling OLTL but your comments! As a kid, I was forced to watch all those soap operas. It still amazes me how so many of the old characters are still in existence on those shows. It's like a freakn' time warp for me at times....I guess that's why I can't watch them and why I'd just rather read your comments about them.
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